【AWARD gallery 童畫鑒賞館】
【AWARD gallery - Kids Drawing Collections】
一個以網上eGALLERY藝術館形式展出歷屆「畫公仔」比賽榮獲最高級別的優秀作品,全出自一班充滿童真且極具天份的3 - 12歲香港小小兒童藝術家用心製作;所以大家於鑒賞作品時,嘗試撇除畫功這項元素,親身投入小朋友內心世界窺探,便可發掘每張作品的優勝之處,同時亦希望大家以欣賞角度表揚各小朋友一次勇敢的嘗試,鼓勵及尊重其創作;以達致【AWARD gallery 童畫鑒賞館】為各優秀作品所加冕的一份「肯定」及「認同」!
is an online gallery that exhibits the drawings of Hong Kong’s talented junior artists between 3 and 12 years old who have won awards of the highest grades in the drawing competitions.
Through this online platform, we hope to engage the community for recognition and appreciation for the great work and talents demonstrated by these junior artists. When going through the collection in our gallery, let’s not focus on the drawing techniques. Take a journey to dive into their hearts and discover the merits of each original piece. Your admiration will turn into motivation and respect for their creativities.